Angularjs Examples

AJS Examples

AngularJS $cookies Service

The AngularJS $cookies service is used to read, write and delete browser cookies. The cookie feature is available in angular-cookies.min.js file.

Here is a list of AngularJS $cookies methods with description.

get(key)This method returns the value of given cookie key. Where key is id of lookup cookie.
getObject(key)This method returns the deserialized value of given cookie key. Where key is id of lookup cookie.
put(key, value, [options])This method is used to set a value for given key. Where key is id for value, value is raw value to be store and option is an object.
putObject(key, value, [options])This method serializes and sets a value for given cookie key. Where key is id for value, value is raw value to be store and option is an object.
getAll()This method returns a key value object with all the cookies.
remove(key, [options])This method is used to remove given cookie. Where key is id of cookie value, and option is an object.


AngularJS $cookies Service Example