Bootstrap Typography

In Bootstrap, heading from <h1> to <h6> are similar to the default HTML heading and rendered by the browser in the same fashion. Bootstrap provides great flexibility to use his heading classes that is .h1 to .h6 with other HTML elements like <div> if you wish to apply style to other HTML element similar to headings.

See Live Example

The above code example will produce below output:

Bootstrap's default font-size is 14px and default line uses height 1.428. This applied to the <body> element of the page, hence applied to all the paragraphs.

Bootstrap Page Headers

Bootstrap gives you great flexibility to work with page header. With Bootstrap If you want to display secondary text in heading, you can still use lt;small> element or you can use <span> element with .small class.

See Live Example

The above code example will produce below output:

Bootstrap and <mark>

Similar to HTML <small> element, Bootstrap will style the HTML <mark> element in the following way:

See Live Example

The above code example will produce below output:

Bootstrap and <abbr>

Similar to HTML <mark> element, Bootstrap will style the HTML element in the following way:

See Live Example

The above code example will produce below output:

Bootstrap and <blockquote>

Similar to HTML <mark> element, Bootstrap will style the HTML <blockquote> element in the following way:

See Live Example

The above code example will produce below output:

See Live Example

The above code example will produce below output:

Bootstrap and <dl>

Similar to HTML <mark> element, Bootstrap will style the HTML <dl> element in the following way:

See Live Example

The above code example will produce below output:

Bootstrap and <code>

Similar to HTML <mark> element, Bootstrap will style the HTML <code> element in the following way:

See Live Example

The above code example will produce below output:

Bootstrap and <kbd>

Similar to HTML <mark> element, Bootstrap will style the HTML <kbd> element in the following way:

See Live Example

The above code example will produce below output:

Bootstrap and <pre>

Similar to HTML <mark> element, Bootstrap will style the HTML <pre> element in the following way:

See Live Example

The above code example will produce below output:

Bootstrap Text Transformation Classes

Bootstrap provides you set of classes to transform the text to lowercase, uppercase or make them capitalize by using .text-lowercase, .text-uppercase and .text-capitalize classes.

See Live Example

The above code example will produce below output:

Bootstrap Text Emphasis Classes

Bootstrap provides you set of classes to show different messages in different colors for example success in green, error in red etc, by using .text-muted, .text-primary, .text-success, .text-info, .text-warning and .text-danger classes.

See Live Example

The above code example will produce below output:

Bootstrap Text Background Classes

Bootstrap also provides you bunch of classes to show different messages with different background colors, instead of text color for example green backgroun for success, rad background for error message etc. by using .bg-muted, .bg-primary, .bg-success, .bg-info, .bg-warning and .bg-danger classes.

See Live Example

The above code example will produce below output:

Bootstrap More Typography Classes

Bootstrap has more typography classes given below to style HTML elements further:

ClassDescriptionLive Demo
.leadTo makes a paragraph stand outTry Now
.text-leftThis indicates left-aligned textTry Now
.text-centerThis indicates center-aligned textTry Now
.text-rightThis indicates right-aligned textTry Now
.text-justifyIndicates justified textTry Now
.text-nowrapThis indicates no wrap textTry Now
.initialismThis displays the text inside an <abbr> elementTry Now
.list-unstyledThis removes the default list-style and left margin on list itemsTry Now
.list-inlineThis will places all list items on a single lineTry Now
.dl-horizontalThis will lines up the the <dt> and descriptions <dd> in <dl> elements side-by-side.Try Now
.pre-scrollableThis makes a <pre> element scrollableTry Now