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Oracle INSERT INTO Statement

The Oracle INSERT INTO statement permit you to insert one or multiple records into a database table.

Note: Make sure the order of the values is in the same order as the columns in the table.

Oracle INSERT INTO Syntax

To insert the record into the table, use the following syntax:


Oracle INSERT INTO Syntax for all fields

To insert the record for all the fields into the table, use the following syntax:


Oracle INSERT INTO example for all fields

The following Oracle statement to insert all the field values, either specify all field name or don't specify any field name.



In the above example, we have inserted new record into the table called "tblCustomerLoan".

Oracle INSERT INTO Syntax for partial fields

It is mandatory to specify field names. To insert the partial fields into the table, use the following syntax:


Oracle INSERT INTO example for partial fields

The following Oracle statement to store partial fields value into the table.



In the above example, we inserted partial record into the table called "tblCustomerLoan".

Oracle INSERT INTO Syntax to insert multiple records

To insert multiple records into the table, use the following syntax:


Oracle INSERT INTO example to insert multiple records

The following Oracle statement to store insert multiple records into the table.



In the above example, we inserted multiple records into the table called "tblCustomerLoan".