Angularjs Examples

AJS Examples

AngularJS Input Types

AngularJS input types are HTML input element control and used togather with ng-model directive. Angular input control follows HTML5 input types and polyfills the HTML5 validation behavior for older browsers. AngularJS input types basically used to for input validation.

AngularJS Input Types

Here is a list of AngularJS input types with description.

input [checkbox] It is used for checkbox validation.
input [date] It is used for date validation.
input [datetime-local] It is used for datetime validation.
input [email] It is used for email validation.
input [month] It is used for month validation.
input [number] It is used for number validation.
input [radio] It is used for radio button validation.
input [text] It is used for text validation with angular data binding.
input [time] It is used for time validation.
input [url] It is used for URL validation.
input [week] It is used for week validation.