A Frameset is a collection of all the frames in a browser window. Browser's screen can be splitted into frames using HTML <frameset> tag.
This will produce following result
The below table contains HTML Frame Attributes and their description which is supported by HTML version.
Attribute Name | Attribute Value | Attribute Description |
src | URL | refers to the url of the document to be loaded into the frame |
marginwidth | pixels | refers to space to be left along the sides of the frame |
marginheight | pixels | refers to space to be left at the top and bottom sides of the frame |
name | text | refers to a unique name for the frame |
noresize | pixels | refers to disabling the resizing of the frame |
scrolling | pixels | refers to to decide whether to have scrollbarsin a frame |
longdesc | URL | refers to to decide whether to have scrollbarsin a frame |
frameborder | pixels | refers to URL to the document containing long description of the frame |
The below table contains HTML Frameset Attributes and their description which is supported by HTML version.
Attribute Name | Attribute Value | Attribute Description |
rows | pixels,%,* | used to divide the screen horizontally |
cols | pixels,%,* | used to divide the screen vertically |
border | URL | refers to the width of the border of the frame |
framespacing | pixels | refers to the amount of space between frames in a frameset |
frameborder | pixels | refers to whether a three-dimensional border to be displayed between frames |
Above attributes can be more easily understood by following examples