The GROUP BY clause groups data from multiple record and returns one row for each group. On other hand, it reduces the number of rows in the result set. It is often used with aggregate functions (COUNT, MAX, MIN, SUM, AVG) to group the result-set by one or more columns. The GROUP BY clause must appear after the WHERE clauses.
To group the data from multiple record into one row for each group, use the following syntax:
tablename: The table name from which you want to fetch the records.
condition: To specify the conditions that must be fulfilled for the records to be selected.
GROUP BY: To sorts data set in descending order.
In the above example, we have fetched records from "tblCustomerLoan" table with GROUP BY
on "cellNo". As you can see, the GROUP BY
clause returns unique occurrences of "cellNo" values.
You can use MySQL Command Line Client to fetched records from "tblCustomerLoan" table with GROUP BY
on "cellNo". It will look like this:
In the above example, we have grouped "cellNo" and count repetitive "cellNo" in the column "cellNo" from "tblCustomerLoan" table. As you can see, the GROUP BY
clause returns count for each repetitive "cellNo".
You can use MySQL Command Line Client to fetch records from "tblCustomerLoan" table with GROUP BY
and count()
function on "cellNo". It will look like this:
In the above example, we have grouped "banks" name and count repetitive "banks" name in the column "banks" from "tblbankdemataccountcharges" table with INNER JOIN
"tblbankheadquartersandaddress" table. As you can see, the GROUP BY
clause returns count for each repetitive "banks" name.
You can use MySQL Command Line Client to fetch records from "tblbankdemataccountcharges" table with GROUP BY
, count()
function and INNER JOIN
on "banks" column. It will look like this: