MySQL Wildcards

MySQL Wildcards

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MySQL Wildcards

In MySQL support wildcard character to simulate any other character(s) in a string. Usually wildcard characters are used with the LIKE operator and LIKE operator is used in a WHERE clause to search for matching patter in string.

Note: Twotype of wildcards are used in conjointment with the LIKE operator:
% - The percent sign perform 1 or more characters
_ - The underscore perform a one character

Here are some examples showing different LIKE operators with '%' and '_' wildcards:

LIKE OperatorDescription
WHERE Address LIKE 'c%'Finds field values starts with "c"
WHERE Address LIKE '%c'Finds field values ends with "c"
WHERE Address LIKE '%and%'Finds field values that have "and" in any position
WHERE Address LIKE '_2%'Finds field values that have "2" in the second position
WHERE Address LIKE 'c%z'Finds Finds values that starts with "a" and ends with "z"

MySQL Using % (percent) wildcard Example 1

The following MySQL statement is used to search "address" start with "12-13" pattern matching:


SELECT firstName, lastName, address FROM tblCustomerLoan
WHERE address LIKE '12-13%';

MySQL Using % (percent) wildcard Example 2

The following MySQL statement is used to search "address" ends with "Bhopal" pattern matching:


SELECT firstName, lastName, address FROM tblCustomerLoan
WHERE address LIKE '%Bhopal';

MySQL Using % (percent) wildcard Example 3

The following MySQL statement is used to search "address" containing the pattern "civil":


SELECT firstName, lastName, address FROM tblCustomerLoan
WHERE address LIKE '%civil%';

MySQL Using _ (underscore) wildcard Example

The following MySQL statement is used to search all customer with a "address" starting with any character and followed by "2":


SELECT firstName, lastName, address FROM tblCustomerLoan
WHERE address LIKE '_2%';

MySQL Using [charlist] wildcard Example

The following MySQL statement is used to search all customer with a "address" starting with "2", "c", or "b":


SELECT firstName, lastName, address FROM tblCustomerLoan
WHERE address LIKE '[2cb]%';

MySQL Using [charlist] wildcard Example

The following MySQL statement is used to search all customer with a "address" starting with "a", "b", "c" or "d":


SELECT firstName, lastName, address FROM tblCustomerLoan
WHERE address LIKE '[a-d]%';

MySQL Using [!charlist] wildcard Example

The following MySQL statement is used to search all customer with a "address" NOT starting with "a", "b", "c" or "d":


SELECT firstName, lastName, address FROM tblCustomerLoan
WHERE address LIKE '[!abcd]%';
SELECT firstName, lastName, address FROM tblCustomerLoan
WHERE address NOT LIKE '[abcd]%';