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Traffic stats

This is our latest stats from April 2017 report. We update this stat once in 3 month and if you have any query regarding traffic, you can drop me an Email.

  • Monthly page views: 65,000
  • Daily Unique visits : 2,000

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Product Spotlights

Product spotlights are paragraphs randomly displayed near the bottom of each tutorial page.

Near the bottom of this page - after the Previous/Next buttons - you can see 3-4 paragraphs. If you refresh the page you will see the paragraphs change. These paragraphs are called product spotlights.

Each product spotlight is displayed randomly on all TechStrikers tutorial pages.

Large Product Spotlight

The large product spotlight is our most popular format.

The size of the spotlight should not exceed 20 lines. Text can be combined with graphics, but must use the same font as TechStrikers. Graphics should not exceed 35 kilobytes.

Graphics should not be expandable, flickering, animated, noisy, or disturbing in any way.

Small Product Spotlight

The format of this spotlight is a one line header and max 4 text lines (including blank lines) all in the same size and font as TechStrikers. No graphics.

Top Banner (728 x 90 Leaderboard):

Top banners are 728x90 pixels and should not exceed 35Kb in size. They rotate randomly in a banner rotator and are displayed in the header of every page.

Banners should not be expandable, flickering, noisy, or disturbing in any way.

Wide Skyscraper (160 x 600):

Wide Skyscraper banners are 160x600 pixels and should not exceed 35Kb in size. They rotate randomly in a banner rotator and are displayed on the right side of every tutorial page.

Banners should not be expandable, flickering, noisy, or disturbing in any way.

Link Building

TechStrikers does not support paid link building or paid search engine optimization.

Paid links will automatically be given a rel=nofollow attribute, according to standard Google search engine guidelines.

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